Made a career in France in the areas of teaching mathematical programming, simulation, operational research, optimization and filtering, operation and planning of air transport. His research area is complex systems, also called cybernetics, in which he worked for the French Cooperation at COPPE/UFRJ. This area is multidisciplinary and encompasses computational tools, mathematical models and decision-making techniques applied to complex systems, whether of a technical nature (control and monitoring systems) or of a socio-economic nature (planning and operation of transport). This has led to interactions with research teams in different areas such as: Applied Mathematics, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Transport Engineering. His work aims to contribute to the design or improvement of new analysis, modeling and decision-making tools, such as geometric programming, dynamic programming, bi-level programming, fuzzy modeling, fuzzy control, fuzzy programming, neural networks, heuristics and meta-heuristics, non-linear control, differential platitude, and the application of these in diverse areas such as the optimization of the operation of energy systems, transport systems, irrigation systems, systems design on-board aircraft (automatic piloting, guidance and navigation, flight monitoring and management), urban traffic control, air traffic organization and control. Back in Brazil since April 2018, he teaches Operations Research at the Department of Production Engineering at Universidade Federal Fluminense (Rio das Ostras Campus). He continues as Research Associate of the Optimization Team at ENAC in Toulouse where he co-supervises doctoral theses, he is also Research Associate at the Systems Science Institute at the University of Durban in South Africa, working in Operations Research applied to Systems Operation and Planning. Transport, Logistics and Air Transport.


UFF – Rio das Outras






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