Our Location

The Francisco Eduardo Mourão Saboya Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering (PGMEC) is in Niterói.

Niterói has the third highest Human Development Index in Brazil and, according to the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, based on data from the 2010 demographic census, it is the richest city in the country, with 30.7% of its population belonging to the upper class.

O PGMEC fica localizado no Campus da Praia Vermelha, em frente à praça da Boa Viagem, no bairro de São Domingos, a cerca de 5 minutos do centro de Niterói.

How to get here

1. By car via Pres. Costa e Silva Bridge (Rio-Niteroi):

1.1 – After the toll plaza, take the exit on the right (towards Centro), which goes down at Feliciano Sodre Avenue.

1.2 – Follow this avenue to the end and turn left, along with the stream, on Visconde do Rio Branco Street. On this street, you will pass in front of the João Goulart Bus Terminal and the Aerobarcos and Barcas Stations, all on the right. Then, on this same street, you will see, on the left, the Post Office building and a little further on, the Plaza Shopping.

1.3 – Continue on the same street, which makes a right turn, and you will pass in front of UFF’s Valonguinho Campus (on the left), Concha Acústica, Gragoatá Campus (on the right) and São Domingos Square (Leoni Ramos).

1.4 – About 100 meters from this square, turn left onto Passo da Pátria street.

1.5 – Almost at the end of this street, on the right, is the entrance to the main parking lot of Praia Vermelha Campus, in front of Boa Viagem square. The main parking lot is reserved for UFF faculty and staff.

1.6 – The parking lot reserved for students and visitors is reached by going ahead on the Passo da Pátria street and entering on Antônio Parreiras street, at the end of the Boa Viagem square. Then, turn right on the 1st street (Prof. Edmundo March). Go to the end of this street, where the entrance to the parking lot is.

2. By car from other cities:

2.1 – If you arrive by Amaral Peixoto highway, go straight ahead along Alameda São Boaventura until near the access to the viaduct of the Rio-Niteroi Bridge. Continue straight on Feliciano Sodré avenue and proceed along the same path indicated above, starting from item 1.2.

2.2 – If you arrive by Highway BR-116 (Niterói-Manilha), continue along Contorno Avenue, which ends at Feliciano Sodré avenue. From that point, the route is the same as indicated above, on item 1.2..

3. By bus from other cities:

3.1 – You will arrive at the Roberto Silveira Bus Terminal, located in front of Feliciano Sodre Avenue. Cross this avenue and take a bus, bound for the center of Niterói, whose final point is the João Goulart Bus Terminal.

3.2 – Leave the bus at this terminal and take bus line 47 (Centro – Canto do Rio). The route of this bus is the same as described in item 1.2, starting at Visconde do Rio Branco Street. You will leave the bus in front of Boa Viagem square, where the entrance to the Campus is.

4. By ferry:

4.1 – Get off the ferry at the Ferry Station in Niterói and go left on the same sidewalk, to the João Goulart Bus Terminal, take bus line 47 and proceed as indicated in item 3.2

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