Obtained a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering (2009) and a Master’s Degree in Material Science and Engineering (2011) from USP, specialization in Production Engineering from the International University of Curitiba (2012) and a Doctoral degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics (2015) from ITA/DCTA. Did Post-Doctoral studies in Material Sciences from UNIFESP (2019) and Mechanical Engineering from UFF (Current). Was an intern as a material science and metallurgy engineer at Gerdau (2007-2009). Collaborated on a DTI project in the area of surface treatment and laser soldering at IEAv (2011-2015). Worked as an engineer and researcher in Materials Technology at the Brazilian Navy Technological Center (2014 – 2017). Was hired by the Aeronautics Command – IAE/DCTA as a researcher of the Chemistry and Materials Divisions (2017 – 2020) for the development of interfaces between polymeric and metallic materials. Workes on the Pró-Defesa I/2008, Pró-Defesa IV/2019 and Pró-Estratégia 50/2011 projects. Areas of research: laser soldering and coating, surface treatment, surface quality, electro-chemistry, thermal treatment of ferrous steels and alloys as well as mechanical properties.
Bloco E – Sala 206-C