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CNPq Grant 302781/2019-6: Characterization and Mechanical Modeling of the Fatigue Behavior of Modified Polymeric Composites


Concentration area:
Nature of the Project: Research

Start date:

Research line:

Project status: In progress



João Marciano Laredo dos Reis – Coordinator.


Call for Aid to Newly Hired Researchers (ARC) 2019 “Analysis and Optimization of the Energy Efficiency of a Water Desalination System by Direct Contact with Membranes (DCMD) for Waste Heat Recovery”


Concentration area:
Nature of the Project: Research

Start date:

Research line:

Project status: In progress

The research is dedicated to modeling and analyzing the energy efficiency of direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) processes, aiming at water desalination through the recovery of heat rejected from different sources. In addition to proposing an improved model for the simultaneous heat and mass transfer process in DCMD, to be validated against experimental results reported in the literature, the research aims to point out the critical parameters that must be considered in the manufacture of membranes optimized for maximum energy efficiency. . in DCMD. Next, modules with passive mixers and intrinsic heat recovery through multi-effects will be proposed, which will be experimentally evaluated in terms of the gains in terms of energy efficiency they provide. Finally, thermodynamic analyzes will be carried out to evaluate the technical feasibility of using the DCMD process optimized from different thermal sources, such as small modular reactors (SMRs) and high concentration photovoltaic panels (HCPVs).


Students involved: Academic master’s degree: (1) .
Members: Kleber Marques Lisbôa – Coordinator.

Funders: Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support of the State of RJ – Financial assistance.

Call for Aid to Newly Hired Researchers (ARC) 2019 “Analysis and Optimization of the Energy Efficiency of a Water Desalination System by Direct Contact with Membranes (DCMD) for Waste Heat Recovery”


Concentration area:
Nature of the Project: Research

Start date:

Research line:

Project status: In progress

The research is dedicated to modeling and analyzing the energy efficiency of direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) processes, aiming at water desalination through the recovery of heat rejected from different sources. In addition to proposing an improved model for the simultaneous heat and mass transfer process in DCMD, to be validated against experimental results reported in the literature, the research aims to point out the critical parameters that must be considered in the manufacture of membranes optimized for maximum energy efficiency. . in DCMD. Next, modules with passive mixers and intrinsic heat recovery through multi-effects will be proposed, which will be experimentally evaluated in terms of the gains in terms of energy efficiency they provide. Finally, thermodynamic analyzes will be carried out to evaluate the technical feasibility of using the DCMD process optimized from different thermal sources, such as small modular reactors (SMRs) and high concentration photovoltaic panels (HCPVs).


Students involved: Academic master’s degree: (1) .
Members: Kleber Marques Lisbôa – Coordinator.

Funders: Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support of the State of RJ – Financial assistance.

Tratamento, Liquefação e Armazenamento de Gases (Edital Temático FAPERJ 2019 – Processo E-26/210.061/220)


Área de concentração:
Natureza do Projeto: Pesquisa

Data de início:

Linha de pesquisa:

Status do projeto: Em andamento

O principal objetivo do projeto de pesquisa proposto é investigar experimental e numericamente os processos de purificação, liquefação e armazenamento de gases. Os gases são liquefeitos para reduzir volumes específicos para facilitar o transporte e armazenamento, como é o caso do gás liquefeito de petróleo GLP, gás natural liquefeito GNL, gases industriais e medicinais. O processo de liquefação na indústria de petróleo e gás corresponde à etapa de alto consumo de energia, e é classicamente realizado por meio de resfriamento em sistema em cascata operando em temperaturas ultrabaixas. Outra alternativa para redução do volume específico é o armazenamento dos gases em materiais adsorventes, conhecidos como gás adsorvido (GA), que apresenta grande vantagem em relação ao gás comprimido por não necessitar de altas pressões para operação. Outra aplicação da adsorção é na remoção de vapor d’água em GLP e GNL utilizando materiais dessecantes higroscópicos, etapa crucial para evitar a formação de hidratos e bloqueios em tubulações. Embora esses processos envolvendo adsorção sejam comuns na prática industrial, fica claro na literatura que os fenômenos de adsorção envolvidos ainda não são completamente compreendidos, e os modelos comumente utilizados para estudos e dimensionamento de equipamentos são baseados em simplificações que podem implicar em elevados desvios em relação para o sistema real. Assim, o projeto proposto visa investigar experimental e numericamente a transferência de calor e massa em materiais adsorventes, inicialmente utilizando misturas de ar e vapor de água, visando identificar experimentalmente os parâmetros dominantes de transferência de calor e massa durante processos de adsorção. e regeneração. A proposta também inclui a investigação experimental de parâmetros hidráulicos e térmicos durante a ebulição e condensação convectiva interna e externamente a tubos operando em temperaturas baixas e ultrabaixas.


Leandro Alcoforado Sphaier – Coordenador / Leonardo Santos de Britto Alves – Membro / Luiz Carlos da Silva Nunes – Membro / Fabio Toshio Kanizawa – Membro / Cesar Cunha Pacheco – Membro.


Transition to absolute instability in transverse jets


Concentration area:
Nature of the Project: Research

Start date:

Research line:

Project status: In progress

Theoretical identification of convective/absolute linear stability limits for crossflow jets under several different operating conditions. These include the classic isobaric and variable density cases, not only for a single jet but also for a coaxial jet. The base flow that will be used in these analyzes includes approximate solutions for strong jets (weak crossflows) adapted from previous studies, as well as experimentally measured average profiles. The linear stability tools that will be used in these analyzes include local two-dimensional matrix formation approaches for temporal and spatial analyzes generated using high-order finite difference schemes and spectral methods. Budget: U$ 15,000.00..


Students involved: Doctorate: (1) .
Members: Leonardo Santos de Brito Alves – Coordinator / Ann Karagozian – Advisor / Mateus Peixoto Avanci – Advisor.

Funders: Supplementary International Student Exchange Program – Scholarship.

Absolute instability of interacting planar mixing layers and mats


Concentration area:
Nature of the Project: Research

Start date:

Research line:

Project status: In progress

Coaxial jets are found in a wide range of technologically relevant applications. They are particularly useful for injection systems focused on mixing fuel and oxidizers. In liquid rocket engines, for example, the inner jet carries liquid oxygen at low speeds, while the outer jet carries liquid or gaseous hydrogen at high speeds. This injection system depends on shear between the internal and external jets to achieve mixing. Such flow, however, is also susceptible to instabilities that affect this mixing process. They also depend on the speed ratio between the two jets, but also on the geometry of the nozzle. The latter affects flow instability through: 1) the thickness of each boundary layer, which eventually defines the momentum thickness of each mixing layer, and 2) the thickness of the nozzle’s inner wall, which contributes to the formation of a wake . To understand how these different parameters affect the instability of this flow, this project focuses on a simplified version of this same problem. It is composed of a flat mixing layer with unequal free-flow velocities formed downstream of a divider plate with blunt trailing edge, generating what is known as an asymmetric wake. Budget: U$75,000.00..


Students involved: Doctorate: (1) .
Members: Leonardo Santos de Brito Alves – Coordinator / Helio Ricardo de Aguiar Quintanilha Junior – Member / Beverley J. McKeon – Member.

Funders: Air Force Office of Scientific Research – Financial assistance.

Study of the mechanical behavior of hyperelastic materials using the DIC method


Concentration area:
Nature of the Project: Research

Start date:

Research line:

Project status: In progress

The main objective of this research project is to investigate the mechanical behavior of isotropic and transversely isotropic hyperelastic materials, such as elastomers and soft biological tissues. The proposed study will be based on experimental procedures and constitutive models. The idea is to propose mathematical models capable of describing, or predicting, the mechanical behavior of soft biological materials. The validation of these models will be done through experimental results. However, investigations involving soft biological tissues present certain challenges; such as: lack of knowledge of the mechanical properties of the components that form a soft biological tissue; large sampling variability; difficulty in preparing, fixing and storing samples; need to follow certain ethical standards. To overcome these limitations, it is common to imitate biological tissues using synthetic materials. For this reason, initially the mechanical behavior of elastomers and elastomers reinforced with continuous fibers will be studied. The experimental results obtained with polymeric materials will be used to validate the proposed models that will be based on the theory of hyperelastic strain energy. Subsequently, the models will be used to characterize soft biological tissues. In the experimental procedure, the displacement and deformation fields will be determined using the Digital Image Correlation method (DIC-Digital Image Correlation). It is important to highlight that the use of the DIC method is fundamental in the characterization of the materials studied, mainly due to its ability to measure large deformations. With this method it is possible to determine, with a high degree of precision, displacement and deformation fields without the need for physical contact. Using the DIC method allows obtaining a greater amount of information than that obtained with traditional techniques. Furthermore, we intend to implement new codes based on image correlation.


Members: Luiz Carlos da Silva Nunes – Coordinator.


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