Information for students

Student must meet the following requirements in order to claim their diploma:

1. Deliver four copies of the bound thesis (in addition to copies for each member of the examining committee), as well as in electronic format.

2. No pending issues with the university’s libraries.

3. Meet the following requirements set out in the PGMEC statute:

Art. 21o – To obtain the degree of Doctor in Mechanical Engineering, the candidate must meet the following requirements:

(a) take PGMEC classes, in accordance with Art. 23rd;
(b) pass the foreign language proficiency exam;
(c) pass the qualifying exam;
(d) write and defend a doctoral thesis on their research topic;
(e) have at least one paper accepted for publication in an indexed international journal, as proposed by PGMEC collegiate.

Art. 23o – To obtain the title of Doctor in Mechanical Engineering, the candidate must attend a set of core and elective classes, totaling at least 160 credits, distributed as follows:

(a) 9 credits in core classes;
(b) 39 credits in elective classes;
(c) 1 credit for the Foreign Language Proficiency Exam;
(d) 3 credits for the Qualifying Exam;
(e) 108 credits for the Doctoral Thesis.

It is also worth mentioning that students must comply with the following requirements to remain regularly enrolled in the graduate program

Art. 35o – The student will be dismissed from PGMEC when:

(a) the maximum period fixed for completing classes has expired, not including leave of absence to which the student is entitled;
(b) fails twice in an academic class or activity;
(c) fails once in Master’s Thesis or in Doctoral Thesis subjects..
(d) fails to enroll in classes and/or academic activities for the second time, consecutive or not;
(e) obtain a academic performance coefficient lower than 6.0 in a single semester;
(f) obtain a academic performance coefficient lower than 7.0 after completing all required credits.

Art. 36o – Attendance is mandatory and cannot be less than 75% of the programmed workload, per class or activity. If this frequency is not fulfilled, the student will be considered as having failed the class and will be assigned a grade of 0.0.

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