Credit Transfer

The Art. 24 of the PGMEC statute:

Art. 24th – Credits obtained in classes and/or academic activities equivalent to those of PGMEC may be accepted, at the discretion of the Program Collegiate, excluding those referring to the final work.

§ 1 – Up to 1/3 (one third) of the total program credits may be used, in the case of classes or activities taken in other graduate programs, if the following restrictions are satisfied:


The following additional conditions for use are considered

The course must have been taken in a stricto sensu graduate program accredited by CAPES less than 5 years ago.

A detailed course syllabus must be presented in an official document of the institution.

Official documentation attesting the student’s performance in the course must be presented.

In summary: the student will be able to take advantage of up to a third of the total credits in subjects taken in a stricto sensu postgraduate program recommended by CAPES (minimum conditions established by the PGMEC Regulations) less than five years ago (additional condition).

For classes taken in another graduate program while the student is enrolled in PGMEC:

  • In order to transfer credits of subjects taken in other programs during the master’s or doctoral course, the following criteria must be satisfied:

i) graduate program must have a CAPES grade equal or higher than PGMEC’s grade, or;

ii) the faculty teaching the class must meet the criteria to be a faculty at PGMEC.

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